
5780 Celebration of Birth The Kiddush this week was sponsored by the Rossman family in honor of the birth of their daughter. In Yiddish a למך is a לא יצלח so what did למך, the father of נח, do to have such a name? The Pasuk says the reason why his father named him Noach was because זה ינחמנו ממעשנו ומעצבון ידינו מן האדמה. A person that relies on his children to make a change and a difference in the world and doesn’t take the responsibility upon himself is a real למך....

October 24, 2020 · Dovid


5781 Shabbos Breishis This Shabbos is referred to as Shabbos Breishis, as opposed to other Shabbosos that we call it Shabbos Parshas Noach and the like. The Gemara in Baba Basra 121a actually refers to every Shabbos as “Shabbos Breishis” in the context that Shabbos does not require Kiddush Beis Din as opposed to the holidays of the year. However, the Minhag Yisrael is to refer to this Shabbos in particular as Shabbos Breishis which would seem to imply that that with this Shabbos we are beginning something new....

October 17, 2020 · Dovid