
Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5784: Elul - Two Dimensions Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5783 Thursday Night Shiur 5783 Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5781 Thursday Night Shiur 5780...

September 11, 2024 · Dovid


5780 There is a מנהג in כלל ישראל to put non-bearing fruit trees in shuls on שבועות because on עצרת the judgement for the upcoming year’s fruit tree is decided (מג"א או"ח ס' תצד ס"ק ה). There are two questions that can be asked. Firstly, if we are judged in regard to fruit bearing trees, why do we put non fruit bearing trees in shul? Secondly, why is it that on ט"ו בשבת which is ראש השנה לאלנות do we celebrate by eating fruit and not with trees, an on שבועות which we are judged for the upcoming year’s fruit do we celebrate by putting trees in shuls, it should be the opposite?...

June 5, 2024 · Dovid


Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5784: Pesach and Beyond Thursday Night Shiur 5784: The hagaddah-A Learning Expeirence Thursday Night Shiur 5784 - Old News Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim Part 2 5783 Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim Part 1 5783 Hachodesh HaZeh Lachem 5783 The Following Drasha was given in the Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles Shiras HaYam 5782 Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim 5782 Krias Yam Suf 5781...

April 17, 2024 · Dovid


5781 פורים משולש First In Megilah Esther, the Pasuk says קימו וקבלו היהודים עליהם ועל זרעם ועל כל הנלוים עליהם (ט,כז). The Gra says on the words ועל זרעם that it’s referring to קטנים, that the Jews were מקבל on themselves and their children. But קטנים are פטור from all Mitzvos so how were they מקבל for their children. It would seem that this Mitzvah, קריאת מגילה, is an exception to the rule and the Mitzvah of Megilah was taken upon the קטנים as well....

March 13, 2024 · Dovid


Videos Money & Meaning–Chanuka Gelt 5784 Chanukah 2 5783 Chanukah 1 5783 Chanukah 5782 Chanukah 5781...

December 5, 2023 · Dovid