Yom Kippur

Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5784 Thursday Night Shiur 5783 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5781...

September 20, 2023 · Dovid

Rosh Hashana

Have Mercy and Be Happy with us We say in the davening on Rosh Hashanah ותשמח במעשיך חמול על מעשיך that Hashem should have compassion and mercy on us and that Hashem should be happy with us. These two statements seem to be a contradiction. We begin saying that we are unworthy when we ask חמול על מעשיך but then we immediately say ותשמח במעשיך to be happy with us, which sounds like we are claiming to be worthy and good people?...

September 14, 2023 · Dovid


Videos Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5783 Thursday Night Shiur 5783 Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Motsei Shabbos Slichos 5781 Thursday Night Shiur 5780...

September 9, 2023 · Dovid

Shabbos HaGadol

Why HaGadol This Shabbos is called Shabbos HaGadol. The Shulchan Aruch dedicates an entire Siman to this and writes in Siman 430 שבת שלפני הפסח קורין אותו שבת הגדול מפני הנס שנעשה בו. What is the Halachic significance of קורין אותו שבת הגדול? Interestingly, the Chidah writes in his Sefer מחזיק ברכה ס' תל that on a regular Shabbos, people greet each other with שבת שלום ומבורך but on Shabbos HaGadol, the מדקדקים greet each other with שבת הגדול שלום ומבורך....

March 29, 2023 · Dovid

Tishah B'Av

Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5780...

August 3, 2022 · Dovid