
Thursday Night Shiur 5781...

December 20, 2022 · Dovid

Tishah B'Av

Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5782 Thursday Night Shiur 5780...

August 3, 2022 · Dovid

Hesped on Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal


March 24, 2022 · Dovid

Meron Tragedy

In connection with the terrible tragedy that happened in Meron where so many young people, each one special in his own way, were plucked from us in such a quick and cruel way. People have been searching for meaning and therefore we should start with the simple and basic meaning of all this. The Rav began with a story he heard from his Rebbe Reb Berel Soloveitchik. Reb Chaim Brisker had three sons and the least known was Reb Yisrael Gershon who was a bit eccentric....

May 6, 2021 · Dovid

Lag Baomer

Videos Thursday Night Shiur 5781 5780...

April 28, 2021 · Dovid