
5783 Aufruf The Kiddush was sponsored by the Gutfreund family in honor of the Aufruf of their son. Celebrating an Aufruf this Shabbos is perfect timing because the beginning of the Parshah discusses the Leviim, as the Pasuk says והיו לי הלוים which the Gutfreund family are. But this Chosson happens to be a Bechor as well so he would be special regardless. The wedding will take place this coming week, Parshas Shelach which says היש בה עץ and the Chosson will be marrying the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Baum (בוים in Yiddish means tree) and we wish them that it should be a בנין עדי עד and a בית נאמן בישראל....

June 19, 2024 · Dovid


5780 There is a מנהג in כלל ישראל to put non-bearing fruit trees in shuls on שבועות because on עצרת the judgement for the upcoming year’s fruit tree is decided (מג"א או"ח ס' תצד ס"ק ה). There are two questions that can be asked. Firstly, if we are judged in regard to fruit bearing trees, why do we put non fruit bearing trees in shul? Secondly, why is it that on ט"ו בשבת which is ראש השנה לאלנות do we celebrate by eating fruit and not with trees, an on שבועות which we are judged for the upcoming year’s fruit do we celebrate by putting trees in shuls, it should be the opposite?...

June 5, 2024 · Dovid


5783 Transition of the Shechinah Parshas Bamidbar is always read before Shavuos. Although generally, it’s read on the Shabbos immediately prior, on some rare occasions, its read two Shabbos’s before Shavuos, as is stated in the Tur in Hilchos Rosh Chodesh Siman 428. Therefore, there are lessons one can learn for Kabolas HaTorah in Parshas Bamidbar as the Shelah HaKadosh writes כי בודאי גלגול המועדים של כל השנה הנה אלה מועדי ה' הן, מועדי דרבנן או תענית וט' באב בכולן יש שייכות לאותן הפרשיות שחלות בהן כי הכל מיד ה' השכל (תורה שבכתב וישב מקץ ויגש הקדמה-שם הדרוש נאה להם צאן יוסף) -that the Parshiyos that we read are connected with the Moadim that fall out during those Parshiyos....

June 4, 2024 · Dovid


5781 לחמכם בתנור אחד In the תוכחה, the Pasuk says ואפו עשר נשים לחמכם בתנור אחד (כו,כו). Rashi says the reason will be because מחוסר עצים-out of lack of wood. However the Rashbam says כי אשה אחת לא תוכל למלא את התנור פת meaning there will be a lack of food. How did Rashi know to explain the reason why ten women will bake in one oven is because of the lack of wood?...

May 29, 2024 · Dovid


5782 Emphasis on the Details The Parshah begins וידבר ה' אל משה בהר סיני לאמר. Rashi, quoting the Toras Kohanim, writes מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני, והלא כל המצות נאמרו מסיני, אלא מה שמיטה נאמרו כללותיה ופרטותיה ודקדוקיה מסיני, אף כולן נאמרו כללותיהן ודקדוקיהן מסיני. Why is there an emphasis that not only were the כללות said at Sinai but also the דקדוקיהן and פרטות were given at Sinai?...

May 21, 2024 · Dovid