Boca Raton Trips

5785 Boca Raton Kollel - Vayechi Yeshiva of South Florida - Asara B’Teves Boca Raton Synagogue - Asara B’Teves Melaveh Malka 5785 5783 Boca Jewish Center - Shavuos and Sefirah Yeshiva of South Florida - Bechukosai Boca Raton Synagogue - Behar Melaveh Malka Boca Raton Kollel - Tosefes Shabbos Heichal HaTorah Hollywood, FL - Hachanah for Kabalas HaTorah Write up of the Shiur Above As we approach the Yom Tov of Shavuos, besides for reading the Aseres Hadibros, we also read Megillas Rus....

January 8, 2025 · Dovid


5781 The Kiddush this Shabbos was sponsored by the Feldinger family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Akiva Moshe. Connection of Bar Mitzvah to Parsha This Shabbos is very appropriate for celebrating his Bar Mitzvah not only because it’s actually the week where he is becoming a Bar Mitzvah, but actually because Parshas Vayechi is apropos for a Bar Mitzvah as will be discussed. (Once a Rebbe came to a village and a Jew came over to him and said Rebbe, in your on honor I’m going to make my son’s Bar Mitzvah....

January 6, 2025 · Dovid


5781 Approaching One’s Self ויגש אליו יהודה ויאמר בי אדני ידבר נא עבדך דבר באזני אדני (מד,יח) The Parshah begins with Yehuda bringing his case to Yosef. But what exactly was he saying new? He seems to be merely repeating the story that he and Yosef already knew and therefore what caused Yosef to now open up to the brothers? One thing that Yehuda did add was that he made himself an ערב as the Pasuk says כי עבדך ערב את הנער מעם אבי אם לא אביאנו אליך (מד,לב)....

January 1, 2025 · Dovid


Videos Zos Chanuka 5785: The Last & Lasting Day Lighting Up The Outdoors 5785 Money & Meaning–Chanuka Gelt 5784 Chanukah 2 5783 Chanukah 1 5783 Chanukah 5782 Chanukah 5781...

December 25, 2024 · Dovid


5781 Yahrzeit of Reb Eizel Charif This Shabbos, ד' טבת, is the Yahrzeit of two great people. The first is Reb Yehoshua Isaac Shapiro, who was known as Reb Eizel Charif. He was born in 1801 in the small town of Glubki, near villna and he died in the year 1873. He was a tremendous gaon and very sharp/witty as his name indicates. He was also known for his sharp humor and until today many of his witticism are still known....

December 24, 2024 · Dovid