
5782 Nachas Ruach from the struggle The Parshah begins with Hashem telling Moshe בא אל פרעה and the reason is כי אני הכבדתי את לבו. It’s interesting that Moshe is being told to come to Pharaoh-כי-because Hashem hardened his heart. On the contrary, כי אני הכבדתי את לבו would be more of a reason for him not to go to Pharaoh. But it’s possible to translate the word כי as “even if” like is found in Parshas Ki Sisa 34:9 ילך נא אדני בקרבנו כי עם קשה ערף הוא וסלחת לעוננו ולחטאתנו ונחלתנו that כי there means even if....

January 29, 2025 · Dovid