Boca Raton Trips

5785 Boca Raton Kollel - Vayechi Yeshiva of South Florida - Asara B’Teves Boca Raton Synagogue - Asara B’Teves Melaveh Malka 5785 5783 Boca Jewish Center - Shavuos and Sefirah Yeshiva of South Florida - Bechukosai Boca Raton Synagogue - Behar Melaveh Malka Boca Raton Kollel - Tosefes Shabbos Heichal HaTorah Hollywood, FL - Hachanah for Kabalas HaTorah Write up of the Shiur Above As we approach the Yom Tov of Shavuos, besides for reading the Aseres Hadibros, we also read Megillas Rus....

January 8, 2025 · Dovid

Hesped on Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal


March 24, 2022 · Dovid

Lashon Hara

Who Wants Life? 5776...

February 2, 2016 · Dovid