
5782 Yahrzeit of the מהרי"ט אלגאזי This Shabbos, ב' אדר שני, is the Yahrzeit of the מהרי"ט אלגאזי-Rabbi Yom Tov Algazi who lived in Yerushalayim, who was nifter in 1802. He authored a commentary on the הלכות הרמב"ן on בכורות and חלה. Reb Avraham Weinfeld came to the concentration camps when he was fourteen and he had already learned the מהרי"ט אלגאזי on בכורות. He said that it was such a popular לימוד that people would learn בכורות just in order to learn the מהרי"ט אלגאזי....

March 12, 2024 · Dovid