
5783 Names Based on Behavior The Parshah begins with a list of the leaders of each שבט and the Pasuk opens with ואלה שמותם. After it lists all the names, the Pasuk repeats and says אלה שמות האנשים אשר שלח משה. What is the Torah coming to teach us by repeating the words אלה שמות האנשים? The purpose of the repetition could be hinting to that which the Gemara Sotah 34b says regarding the names of the מרגלים that these names listed were not really their real names rather they were given על שם the מעשה as the Gemara says אמר רבי יצחק דבר זה מסורת בידינו מאבותינו מרגלים על שם מעשיהם נקראו....

June 26, 2024 · Dovid