
5779 קנאות People say that sometimes חקת and בלק are together and sometimes they are separate, as are מטות and, מסעי but פנחס is always by itself because the קנאי is always by himself. קנאות is a word that is one of the most misused terms in Jewish life. Because if you look in the Mishna in סנהדרין צא ע"א you see that there are only four things that we say קנאין are פוגעין בו and the הלכה is אין מורין לו....

July 6, 2020 · Dovid

Ki Savo 5772

Gratitude and Thankfulness...

September 6, 2012 · Dovid

Ki Seitzei 5772

Human Dignity...

August 29, 2012 · Dovid